Hyperrealistic neural decoding for reconstructing faces from fMRI activations via the GAN latent space

Neural decoding can be conceptualized as the problem of mapping brain responses back to sensory stimuli via a feature space. We introduce (i) a novel experimental paradigm that uses well-controlled yet highly naturalistic stimuli with a priori known …

No evidence for neural overlap between unconsciously processed and imagined stimuli

Visual representations can be generated via feedforward or feedback processes. The extent to which these processes result in overlapping representations remains unclear. Previous work has shown that imagined stimuli elicit similar representations as …

DeepRF: Ultrafast population receptive field mapping with deep learning

Population receptive field (pRF) mapping is an important asset for cognitive neuroscience. The pRF model is used for estimating retinotopy, defining functional localizers and to study a vast amount of cognitive tasks. In a classic pRF, the cartesian …

A large single-participant fMRI dataset for probing brain responses to naturalistic stimuli in space and time

Visual and auditory representations in the human brain have been studied with encoding, decoding and reconstruction models. Representations from convolutional neural networks have been used as explanatory models for these stimulus-induced …

Reconstructing perceived faces from brain activations with deep adversarial neural decoding

Here, we present a novel approach to solve the problem of reconstructing perceived stimuli from brain responses by combining probabilistic inference with deep learning. Our approach first inverts the linear transformation from latent features to …

Vividness of visual imagery depends on the neural overlap with perception in visual areas

Research into the neural correlates of individual differences in imagery vividness point to an important role of the early visual cortex. However, there is also great fluctuation of vividness within individuals, such that only looking at differences …

Mnemonic convergence in the human hippocampus

The ability to form associations between a multitude of events is the hallmark of episodic memory. Computational models have espoused the importance of the hippocampus as convergence zone, binding different aspects of an episode into a coherent …

Reactivating memories in hippocampus and neocortex

_The Time Traveller: “Well, I do not mind telling you I have been at work upon this geometry of Four Dimensions for some time. Some of my results are curious. For instance, here is a portrait of a man at eight years old, another at fifteen, another …

Reinstatement of associative memories in early visual cortex is signaled by the hippocampus

The cortical reinstatement hypothesis of memory retrieval posits that content-specific cortical activity at encoding is reinstated at retrieval. Evidence for cortical reinstatement was found in higher-order sensory regions, reflecting reactivation of …

The role of the frontal eye fields in oculomotor competition: image-guided TMS enhances contralateral target selection

In order to execute a correct eye movement to a target in a search display, a saccade program toward the target element must be activated, while saccade programs toward distracting elements must be inhibited. The aim of the present study was to …